Software developer team lead
March 2024, Issue 22
Springing forward
Daylight savings might just be my favorite day of the year. I will gladly take those later sunsets, even if it does mean some dreary mornings, waking up before the sun for the next few weeks. For me the trade-off is worth it. Even though we lost an hour, I feel more rejuvenated as we jump into spring. That's a good thing because we have a pretty busy docket ahead of us with a full conference calendar and welcoming a few new faces to the team this month. We're even cooking up a new AI service you'll hear about more later this year.

I'm also rejuvenated by the way our teams have come together and embraced a hybrid working environment. It's hard to believe that we've been at this now for four years. It's not always easy, but the benefits of letting people live and work where they want has really paid off for us.



Tammy Rutherford, Managing Director
Join us for coffee
Recent news
Learn a latte with us at upcoming conferences and webinars
If you’ve got travel plans to attend conferences, get your morning caffeine fix with us. Our team will be at Learning Technologies UK, Learning & HR Tech Solutions Conference and ATD International Conference & Expo. Or be your own barista at home and join a couple of our upcoming live virtual sessions.
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Which learning standard is best for your content?
eLearning standards
Which standard is best for your content? Find out at our webinar
SCORM. xAPI. cmi5. Sometimes it sounds like we’re dishing out a bowl of acronym soup, and keeping up with each one and knowing the benefits can be difficult. In this upcoming webinar, Joe Donnelly and Brian Miller are here to help you blend your content goals and choose a standard to meet them.
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Rustici Engine
Product update
We took out a few walls for the new Rustici Engine 23 release
Redoing your basement can be a lot of work, between the conversations, decisions and sweat. Rustici Engine 23 was a similar labor of love, building toward better performance, more configurability and greater compatibility. If you’re interested in upgrading or learning more about Engine 23, reach out today.
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Customer spotlight
LOMA uses Content Controller to reach audiences with microlearning
LOMA has been around for the past 100 years helping member organizations in the financial services industry succeed. Recently, they heard the need for short-form courses in a pooled library. Content Controller helped them build the microlearning solution Industry Advantage while creating new audience opportunities.
Read their story →
Peek into our #pong-room Slack channel
Either a dumping ground or inner sanctum for the darkest corners of Rustici Software minds...depends who you ask. 😂
Pedantic definition
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