Hybrid office
September 2022, Issue 16
Going beyond satisfaction to delightful
When it comes to measuring customer or employee experience, you’ll probably see the term satisfaction as the benchmark. For us, satisfaction isn’t the goal - we want your time with us to be more than that, which is why we use ‘delight’ when we talk about how we serve both our customers and our employees. We want the experience of working with us to be more than just a transaction. We’re here to help and often that means going beyond just a simple answer or checking a box. Creating delightful experiences when working with us is how we operate internally and externally. If you’re curious, check out our session “Leading with Empathy” from our recent user conference where Joe and I talk through our delightful operating system.



Tammy Rutherford, Managing Director
SCORM Basics eBook
Featured resource
How is SCORM like an MP3? Find out in the basics of SCORM eBook
Whether you’re an instructional designer, training administrator or course developer, you likely have a big goal for your learning content: for your customers or learners to be able to play and complete your courseware and view the reports. Learn more about how the SCORM eLearning standard can help and how to get started.
Download the eBook →
xAPI considerations
eLearning standards
Considering adding xAPI? Discover the benefits and the concerns
xAPI has been around for nearly a decade now, and we receive a number of questions about how to get started with adding xAPI into an application. Brian Miller outlines the benefits and considerations for implementing the xAPI specification.
Read the blog →
Product news
SCORM Cloud API is officially a certified LTI 1.3 platform
The new certification helps you consume or integrate LTI 1.3 tools into your application alongside your SCORM, AICC, xAPI and cmi5 content and MP4 and PDF files. Before, we had LTI 1.1 certification through our Dispatch feature. Now, whether you need to use SCORM Cloud as an LTI platform or tool, we have you covered.
Learn more →
Zamann Pharma
Case study
Zamann Pharma delivers secure student data with SCORM Cloud
Zamann Pharma’s Pharmuni application just launched using SCORM Cloud’s API. We chatted with the team to talk about their implementation and how our built-in LRS, along with our data handling and security features, played a role in the team’s decision to buy SCORM Cloud versus building their own solution.
Find out how →
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