SCORM and xAPI standards
June 2021, Issue 11
Blazing trails
When it comes to the eLearning standards, we’re at an interesting crossroads with one foot in the past (read: SCORM) and the other foot in the future (see: cmi5 and xAPI). Transitioning to the new world takes time, and we’re here to help regardless of which trail you find yourself on. And to do that in the most delightful and empathetic way possible. If you need to make SCORM just work, our delight team and upcoming webinar are there to help. For those poised to make the leap to xAPI, cmi5 will be key. The tools and resources our CATAPULT team are working on will help you make that transition. So, regardless of where you are in your eLearning travels, we’re here to help with that journey. We take care in the software we develop to help with routing and provide the maps and tour guides anywhere along that path when you get stuck.



Tammy Rutherford, Managing Director
Blueprints for Success ebook
Free resource
Designing a scalable learning ecosystem ebook now available
Is your learning ecosystem becoming too complex? Or maybe it’s starting to grow. Either way, you may find yourself with more tools and content than you can easily manage. This ebook will help you better understand the tools and technologies available and design a healthy, scalable ecosystem.
Download the ebook →
Troubleshooting SCORM content webinar
eLearning standards
Don’t miss the Troubleshooting SCORM Content webinar
Joe Donnelly and George Vilches will help keep you out of the dog house with their best tricks for troubleshooting SCORM errors on June 29th. In this webinar, you’ll learn about testing SCORM packages, understanding and fixing LMS launch failures and deciphering course debug logs.
Register now →
Project news
Building Project CATAPULT
cmi5 will play a key role in modernizing learning and training programs for both government and industry. But tools are needed in order to validate content and systems. That’s where Rustici and Project CATAPULT come in. See what’s being developed to help increase adoption rates for the standard.
Learn more →
Delightful support
Client support
Rustici’s secret customer service ingredient? Our delight team!
From “help, I need this SCORM thing!” to technical questions from developers, we receive hundreds of emails every week from customers and Googlers alike, and every question is treated with care and respect. Here’s our recipe for helping and delighting every person that comes our way.
Find out how →
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Either a dumping ground or inner sanctum for the darkest corners of Rustici Software minds...depends who you ask. 😂
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