Virtual Bob Ross Paint Night
March 2021, Issue 10
One year later…
It’s been a year. I mean, it’s really been a year since we abruptly left our office behind and scrambled to set up remote work spaces in our homes. Some things for us have changed a lot—we’ve had to reimagine how we continue to make Rustici a delightful place to work and to continue delighting our customers. While many things around us have changed, the core of how we work hasn’t, as I was recently reminded when updating our Open Letter.

Amidst the turmoil, we’re aware of how relevant and relatable our industry has become over the past year. Now more than ever it’s important to find ways to help improve the digital learning experience, and we’re focused on doing just that. What we saw in 2020 has helped inform where we go next and stay the course for making learning technologies and the standards play well together.



Tammy Rutherford, MD
Tech superwomen
Recent news
Celebrating Rustici Software’s ‘Superwomen’ in tech
March is Women’s Month, so we thought it would be fun to sit down with our ‘Superwomen' working in technology roles to hear about their favorite career moments, what they love about their role and advice for women entering into the tech industry.
Read what they said →
ADL cmi5 webinar
eLearning standards
cmi5 helps bridge the SCORM and xAPI gap, but where’s it going?
Curious about cmi5 and where it fits in the big picture? See how Project CATAPULT aims to break down the barriers blocking cmi5 adoption and register for Rustici’s webinar with ADL covering cmi5 and the road ahead.
Learn more →
Support video-based training
Product news
Think out of the box with native video support options
In Rustici Engine’s 20.1 release, there are three ways we offer customers video support. You can import MP4 native video files with new options for closed captioning and subtitles. We made it simple to add YouTube videos in Engine and created a way to search and import YouTube content.
See what's available →
Tribal Habits
Case study
RXD and SCORM Cloud held the keys to compatibility for Tribal Habits
Tribal Habits, an authoring tool and LMS, knew their customers wanted the platform to be more compatible with outside systems. They used Rustici Cross Domain to empower their customers to easily distribute content and added SCORM Cloud API for importing legacy content.
Find out how →
Peek into our #pong-room Slack channel
Either a dumping ground or inner sanctum for the darkest corners of Rustici Software minds...depends who you ask. 😂
Earth is a ravioli
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210 Gothic Court, #100, Franklin, TN 37067

Part of Learning Technologies Group plc
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