Expanding the problems we solve for our customers
At Rustici Software, we’re always trying to find new ways to help people with their eLearning problems. As we settle into 2019, we’re looking at three key areas where we can help resolve this problem for our customers: improving the way learning platforms and content libraries interact, integrated reporting capabilities, and support for expanded content types (think: PDFs and videos).
We’re doing the same work we always have, connecting eLearning delivery, content, and reporting platforms. The only thing that’s changing is we’ve got new types of platforms to connect and a new set of functionality to do it with.

TJ Seabrooks, CEO
Engine API now used in SCORM Cloud
For the first time ever, Rustici Engine and SCORM Cloud have the same API. Now you can write a single application that integrates with either SCORM Cloud or Rustici Engine, which introduces a lot of flexibility for users who want to take a “crawl, walk, run” approach.
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Going to ATD? Come see us at Booth 805
We’re looking forward to exhibiting at the ATD International Conference and Expo in Washington, D.C. next month. You can find us at Booth 805 ready to answer your eLearning standards questions and share all the new features we’re releasing in our products this year. Be sure to stop by or set up time to meet with us at the show.
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Collect xAPI statements as web activities
Our free xAPI Bookmarklet is a simple tool that lets you record any webpage that you “experience” and send statements to an LRS. Have a go at recording statements about your own web-based learning activities and start realizing the power of xAPI.
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CustomGuide + RXD = unique learning XP
Learn how CustomGuide uses Rustici Cross Domain (RXD) to protect their interactive learning experience while centrally hosting and managing their simulation-based training distributed to 900 organizations across 80 different systems. With RXD, they achieved a 100% success rate in delivering content to other LMSs.
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Peek into our #pong-room Slack channel
Either a dumping ground or inner sanctum for the darkest corners of Rustici Software minds...depends who you ask. 😂
